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Archives, Libraries, Museum funds

Archives and Museum collections require automatic warehouses with certain features.

Thus, the archive is a hermetic building for the placement of automatic equipment.

The presence of personnel is only required during maintenance. The building is connected to the office areas by automatic conveyor lines that deliver the necessary documents to and from the staff.

Thus, automation significantly saves the time of delivering a document/book / exhibit from the archive to the main building.


Security issues are also taken into account: the archive is protected by a fire prevention system with a reduced oxygen content.

We have a solution for storing a wide variety of documents: numerous options for racks and shelves, including packing documents in plastic boxes or placing them on movable steel shelves.

To make it easier for staff to work with documents, we offer a technology that involves the operation of special devices (robots) that ensure the minimum number of document movements at the maximum speed of their selection.


Specialized WMS software is used for managing warehouse equipment and storage targeting.

Since most operations are performed by automation, all manipulations with documents are recorded in the online history

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