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The food industry requires efficiency and flexibility: it is necessary to respond to the requirements of the retail network, gastronomy and consumers quickly, providing various quantities of perishable goods.

Only a well-designed system that can function in offline mode is able to fully respond to customer requests.


   The specifics of working with the food industry require high efficiency and understanding of the process from and to, primarily in the field of internal logistics. It is necessary to create conditions that meet the requirements for different product groups, select special equipment, organize object security and a system for rapid distribution of goods.


   We supply energy-efficient and reliable refrigerator warehouses, as well as deepfreeze warehouses. When deep frozen, storage is carried out at a temperature of -26 C, which allows you to permanently preserve the appearance and natural taste of products such as fresh meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, etc. All our equipment meets international standards and is suitable for the needs of various groups of products.


   With a warehouse management system that controls the batch number and serial number, minimum shelf life information, and BBE data, you can easily track the movement of any product along the entire supply chain and control the Commission of your products according to FIFO or FEFO. This is the system that will ensure inventory transparency, no matter how diverse your products are.

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